Thursday, April 5, 2012

Gluten Free, Day 1

  Two weeks ago Mason developed a rash on his face. Then came an ear infection, no cold symptoms, just an ear infection. After "treating" him for a potential yeast infection, eczema, and changing his laundry detergent to "free and clear hypoallergenic", and changing his milk, I am left with a rash that has not gotten any better, and is now on his arms and legs.
  A trip to the pediatrician was a good waste of overpriced diesel and precious time. His regular doctor is out on maternity leave so we got to see the arrogant doctor who never seems to care much about his patients. He told me to pick up an over the counter steroid cream and try that for 3 days, and sent me off with some ear drops for the ear infection.
  No big surprise the steroid cream did nothing. The ears seem slightly better, I'm hoping by day 5 of treatment they will be completely better.
  So, after a whole lot of reading and research I see that there is a high possibilty he has a gluten/wheat allergy. Some symptoms that fit Mason were, eczema and or a rash, ear infections, constipation then diarrhea then constipated again, irritable and whiney, etc. I'm listing these symptoms because I was surprised to find that these could all be pointing to a gluten and/or wheat allergy. It could also be a number of other things, but all I can do is cross one thing off at a time. I do know that he recently developed a ketchup allergy. More likely its the acidic tomato part that he has an allergy to, but I know that ketchup makes the rash worse within minutes.
  Anyway, this afternoon I went to the health food store and stocked up on gluten free/wheat free groceries for Mason. I'm going to give this 2 weeks. In that time I'll be keeping a food diary and be making notes about his behavior and the rash. I'll continue to use the eczema wash and lotion because it won't make anything worse. The lotion is so moisturizing I wouldn't mind using it on myself if it wasn't so expensive. (It's the Aveeno baby eczema moisturizing lotion by the way).
  I'm hoping he won't have to eat gluten free forever. For one, he's already an extremely finicky eater. For two, it's so expensive! A loaf of bread (that he probably won't even like) was $6.99! Just for one loaf! But in the end, whatever is going to make him feel better and get better is worth it, no matter how expensive.
  So, gluten/wheat we come, for the next 2 weeks at least....

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