The past few mornings have been extremely cold! I'm not complaining, I love cold sunny weather, it's just made my morning workout a little more work.
I always take Mason with me on a run or walk in his stroller. If it rains, I have a rain cover, when it's sunny he has hats and sunglasses, and when it's just plain cold, he has lots of layers!
Yesterday, he wore his plaid Christmas pajamas, with socks and monster slippers, fleece jacket, striped gloves, and striped hat with his hood over that. He was also sitting on a blanket and had another blanket on top of him. Then, in order to keep him from taking his gloves off I had to make sure those busy hands and teeth would be occupied with a baby teether.
By the time I get dressed and get him wrangled, dressed and actually in the stroller, my heart rate is up and I'm ready to go!
Winter wear can get expensive fast. So, over the past few weeks I've been visiting some consignment shops. I've found some amazing items that are basically brand new for super cheap. It's been more than worth it to look around at the different shops. My favorite find so far are the little snow mittens with Velcro straps. Not only are they difficult for mason to get off his hands but they're also water proof! He can chew on them the entire time and his hands stay dry and warm!
Currently I'm on the hunt for a one piece snow suit. Last year I had one for him and it was so much easier than dealing with all the layers. I've found every size except 2T! I'm picky tho, I won't pay more than $12-$15 for it so we'll see if I can find one.
that hat is soo cute. its definitaly my favorite!