Friday, December 16, 2011

Nap Time aka Momma vs Mason

Why is it so difficult for Mason to lay down and just go to sleep? It doesn't matter how tired he is or what's going on, getting him to actually go to sleep is such a battle!!
Once or twice a week he'll lay down and just take a nap. Makes me optimistic that this will be his new thing, sleeping when he's supposed to. Then the next day he proves me wrong. He used to take 2 naps a day! Those were the good ol days! Then a few months ago he started taking 1 nap in the afternoon, which is fine, when he actually sleeps!
Around 1:00 I make him some warm milk and we go upstairs, put comfy clothes on, new diaper and he goes to bed. I turn on his night time music and his turtle star light and after a kiss goodnight I tell him, "it's time for sleeping, so go to sleep". He must not listen, because his normal response is to drink his milk, then stand up and throw his cup at the wall as hard as he can. Followed by his pillow, Scout (his musical doggy) and his "Bs" (binky). Then he cries because he doesn't have his "B". I've grown to ignore this, and he's grown to take his pants off and throw those out too! Usually he'll take a big poop about this time, forcing me to come in, change him, gather everything off the floor and try it again.
There's been times he's so tired he can hardly stand up, so he rests his head and most of his weight on the rail, in an effort to keep standing.
My mom used to tell me he just wasn't tired. It annoyed me because it doesn't matter how tired he is or isn't, he just has a very difficult time settling down and going to sleep! Now that she's spent a lot of "quality time" with Mase she understands.
Bed time is basically the same scenario. He's a little better though.
I've been waiting for this guy to take a peaceful nap since the first day he was born and the nurse said, "oh he's going to fall asleep soon and he'll want to sleep for up to 12 hours, so you'll have to wake him to feed him." Hey nurse! He still hasn't done that yet, it's been 18 months, I don't think it's going to happen :(

1 comment:

  1. this is so true. i think the best is when he makes you go in multiple times and then proceeds to laugh at you for being annoyed that he is still awake.
