Saturday, February 18, 2012

Drinks and Eyeshadow

Leaving the gym one morning I decided I would try one of the bottled beverages they sold. Scanning my options, I decided to go with Neuro Energy. It was lightly carbonated and I love carbonated drinks plus it only had 35 calories per bottle. All natural and full of vitamins (lots of B vitamins) I was pleasantly surprised with how good it was. Not only that but it replaced my morning coffee. I never even got a headache and I felt great all day. At $2.50 per bottle this could be a spendy new habit, however it would be cheaper than buying coffee and less calories....I can basically justify anything. Plus maybe I can find coupons for it or buy it at Costco.
My next great find...Loreal Infallible Eyeshadow. I love pretty eyeshadow but hate how it never lasts even 1/2 a day! Even Mac doesn't always last. I decided I'd give Loreal's a try, I had a coupon anyway. It's my new favorite, around $6.00 at Walmart and it actually lasted all day! Not only that but the colors are gorgeous! Seriously worth getting a couple shades and trying it for yourself. I did need a thicker brush and had to be more careful when applying because this stuff is pretty powerful.
So go out, try a new drink and buy some new eyeshadow. You just might love it.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Welcome back to the gym...

There is a gym in town I've had my eye on since moving to Mac in 2010. It's a women only gym, and it offers many different classes, tanning, personal training and of course cardio machines, weights etc. The best part? They also offer child care! The not so best part? It was a lot more than I had ever paid for a gym membership. $60 joining fee, then depending on which you chose, around $50 a month. Childcare is $1.50 per visit.
I'm cheap when it comes to gyms, (and other things), so I just couldn't make myself pay a $60 joining fee. I felt $50 a month was a lot but it did give me access to any/all the classes I wanted.
I decided for $0 a month I could run outside and do sit ups, push ups etc in my living room.
That's what I've been doing until this week...
The gym was having a Valentine's Special!! Nothing says Happy Valentine's Day like a gym membership! Some girls want candy, jewelry, flowers and so on from their man, not me, I want the gym membership! And that's just what I got!! (although he also got me cupcakes, Starbucks cup AND some beautiful flowers). Anyway I was finally headed back to the gym!!
This week I've tried the Core and More class followed by Zumba. Loved it! Then I tried cycling, so hard!! I only got half way through the class though because Mason wouldn't stop crying in the daycare. Turns out he'd rather we were still running outside and doing sit ups and push ups in the living room, where he body slams me and crawls all over me while I'm actually trying to workout.
Anyway, by the 3rd visit Mason was crying in the truck as soon as we pulled into the parking lot! I'd say, " yeah let's go play with some friends!!" he'd reply, " nooo nooo bye!" followed by more crying. I couldn't believe it! He had kids his age to play with, along with tons of toys, balls, movies if he wanted and even crafts and snacks! Heck, maybe I'll just go to the daycare...
Getting worried he would never like daycare and I would never get through an entire workout, I pulled out the big guns. I took a binky, "B" as he calls it, from his bed and put it in my pocket before we left. Mason LOVES his Bs so much, and only gets them in bed, so although I was possibly creating a terrible habit and setting up for bigger problems later, I decided to take it with me.
As usual he cried when he saw where we were, he cried at the front desk, and all the way up the stairs to daycare. He was pretty upset by the time I was signing him in and trying to talk to the teacher, who by the way, looked super NOT excited to see the boy who never stops crying. Then I pulled out "B" gave it to the teacher and told her to just give it to him, show him where the balls are, and if he's still crying in 15 minutes I'd be down in the gym. With that I handed him over, sobbing and all red saying "no no", and headed out the door.
2 minutes later I heard the daycare call the front desk. I couldn't believe they were already paging me to come back and get him!! But I was pleasantly surprised! He had already calmed down and was playing! They just wanted me to know he was doing great and to enjoy my workout!
I felt like I conquered the world! Well maybe not, but I was so happy I was going to be able to keep coming to the gym!
I think I'll take "B" for a few more visits, until he's more comfortable and then hopefully it won't be a problem when "B" stays home in bed.
Here's hoping anyway....

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Beating Cabin Fever

As January comes to an end and we head into February I'm quickly growing tired of our Northwest winter and ready to skip spring and just head into Summer.
I enjoy a little rain and the mild winter we've had for the most part but now I'm over it and so is Mason.
There are only a number of things to do indoors with an active/short attention span/too smart for their young age (20 months) little boy.
We have built everything possible out of legos, played more "basketball" than I ever have and played with all the toys from Christmas so much that neither of us care to even get them out anymore.
So I thought I'd change things up, get out of the house...
First stop, "Tiny Tots", an indoor play area for toddlers/preschool kids. This place was great! First visit was free, it was close to home, and there was so much to do! Everything from slides, cars, train sets, play kitchens, houses, tools, mail boxes, babies and cars to ride in! Tons of learning toys, books, balls, etc! Mason (and I) had a blast! I was seriously considering a 6 month membership, (only $45!) until we got home. Mason was suddenly sick! Fever, didn't want to eat, and fell asleep before I even left his room! (from past posts you'll remember he never goes to sleep without a fight). He stayed sick for days!!! Fevers even with medications, wouldn't eat, lost weight and was up all night! The doctor was stumped, we waited it out, then did bloodwork and X-rays to find everything came back normal. Then by day 14 he quit having fevers and started eating a little. Who knows what he caught or if he caught it from there. All I know is he's been healthy until we went there, and we're not going back.
Next, I decided to head to the community pool. Family Swim is a time for parents and kids to swim together so we headed down one evening to try it out. Only $3.75 and we had a blast! Mason loves the water! He "swims" and jumps in and has so much fun. I never let his head go in the water though. He has tubes in his ears and really shouldn't even be swimming but seriously, we're going crazy in the house!
Probably before we visit the pool again I'll get his ears checked and get some plugs because he didn't sleep well last night and today I noticed his ear smelled like an old rotten band aid (so gross I know, I'm sorry).
Hopefully we can continue to swim. And until summer is here, we will continue to take advantage of sunny days outside and play dates with Mason's cousin.